
The Group conducts many legal training programs, namely
حقوق الطفل (اللاليات التعاقدية) ١٦-٧-٢٠٢٢

Training on Community Initiatives Organization

The Group has held several trainings on youth and CSOs empowerment to organize and launch community initiatives at the local and international levels to enhance youth participation, increase their knowledge…

Training Course on Human Rights Principles

 International Consultation Group (ICG) held a training course on human rights principles in February 2018, at its headquarters in Cairo, for two days. The main objective of the course was…
Workshop on United Nations Charter-Based Bodies

Workshop on United Nations Charter-Based Bodies

  International Consultation Group (ICG) organized a workshop for a group of European youth in collaboration with its partners at its headquarters in Cairo, in December 2018. The workshop contributed…